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At the age of 20, our founder Harry Workman purchased a 30 gallon per day milk round, a Morris 8 van, milk churns and bottles and on May 1st 1938 he started his door-to-door delivery using a bucket and ladle to deliver the milk.


Harry built the business on core values of Quality, Service and Cleanliness and it was these values that established the reputation of the business. The business grew quickly and by 1943 the business relocated to Cotteswold Road in Tewkesbury, from which the dairy took its name 'Cotteswold Dairy'. The dairy’s good reputation spread and in 1961 it first began delivery in Cheltenham. It was in 1969 that the business relocated to its present site at Northway Lane in Tewkesbury.  Harry’s son Roger Workman was involved in dairy life from when he was small until he officially joined the business in 1962 and Roger took over the reins of the business in 1982.  As many other independent dairies closed, Cotteswold Dairy acquired them and the business increased substantially.


In 1991, Roger Workman's son George Workman started working for the business learning everything there is to know about working in the dairy, from the factory floor to transportation, to business operations whilst adhering to the core values set out by Harry and in 2010 George was appointed to Managing Director. 


Today Cotteswold Dairy operates four different depots across the UK and services many different types of customers including Wholesale customers, Semi Retail customers and Independent Milkmen as well as Doorstep Delivery customers by a traditional, electric milk float.

The Start of Cotteswold Dairy "Spa Dairy 1938"

Start of the Business 


Harry Workman started the business as Spa Farm Dairy and took on his first employee

Cotteswold Dairy relocates to Cotteswold Road 1942

Business Relocated


The business relocated to a new site and changed its name to Cotteswold Dairy, named after the street is was on


Harry and his wife Dorothy produced and sold ice cream from a shop on Barton Street, Tewkesbury

Cotteswold Dairy introduces pasturisation 1944

Introduction of Pasturisation

Cotteswold Dairy started the pasteurisation of its milk

Cotteswold Dairy starts using electric milk floats 1947

The Electric Milk Float


Harry Workman's son Roger Workman (2nd generation) started working for the business

Cotteswold Dairy introduced electric milk floats to deliver the products to doorsteps


George Workman joins the Business 

Cotteswold Dairy relocates to Northway Lane 1969

Relocation of the Business


Roger Workman's son George Workman (3rd generation) started working for the business

Cotteswold Dairy relocated to its current site on Northway Lane in Tewkesbury

Cotteswold Dairy became the first dairy in the country to supply organic milk in returnable, reusable glass bottles


Roger appointed son, George Workman, as Managing Director for Cotteswold Dairy

Cotteswold Dairy starts producing Welsh milk "Dragon" 2012

Production of Welsh Milk


Cotteswold Dairy won the Cotswold Life Family Business of the year

Cotteswold Dairy started to process and supply Welsh Dragon Milk in Wales


In 2015, Cotteswold Dairy went on to win Family Business in the National Food and Farming Awards. Our Pure Gold Crème Fraîche received a 2 star Great Taste Award

Workman family with lifetime achievement award

Lifetime Achievement Awards

Cotteswold Dairy 80th Anniversary

Cotteswold Dairy Anniversary

Harry Workman wins Lifetime Achievement Award for his contribution to farming 


Roger Workman wins the Red Ribbon Lifetime Achievement Award.

Cotteswold Dairy celebrates its 80 year anniversary and pledges to raises money for 80 local charities in 2018

We are working on our next big milestone of our long and rich history, check back in the future for updates

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