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Celebrating 85 years at Cotteswold Dairy!

Cotteswold Dairy has been a successful family business since 1st May 1938 when Harry Workman, aged 20, purchased a 30-gallon (135 litres) per day round. In those days milk was dispensed from a churn into the customer's jug twice a day after milking, and one pint of milk was sold for 3 old pence, which is just 1 penny in today’s money. Harry built up the business on his core values of quality, service and cleanliness which remain at the forefront of the company today to ensure the best milk is delivered with excellent service.

Harry’s reputation helped grow his business, leading him to build his first dairy on Cotteswold Road in Tewkesbury. Harry was one of the first to install a pasteurisation plant in the area which meant he was well prepared to supply other dairies without this facility. His son Roger joined the company in 1962 and the business continued to expand over the years.

This meant a larger site was needed, so in 1969, the dairy moved to its present location on Northway Lane. Today it is a modern processing dairy selling around 65,000 gallons (300,000 litres) of milk each day, managing every step of the milk journey from the collection from local farms to processing, distribution and delivery. Various types of milk and cream products are available in a variety of sizes and packaging options, along with a range of daily goods, and the company is currently investing further in the site to provide a larger cold store facility and improved office and welfare facilities.

Harry sadly passed away in 2016, aged 98, Roger is now semi-retired and his son George is the 3rd generation of the Workman family to be at the helm of the business, with other family members also working for the company.

Our purpose is to be at the heart of a responsible and sustainable dairy community and we are proud to source excellent quality milk from our local farmers, working with a team of loyal staff to give top service to our valued customers. Along with servicing different types of customers, including wholesale, semi retail and independent milk rounds, we still deliver milk by electric floats in returnable and reusable glass bottles, a service much appreciated by its doorstep customers who love the convenience of having delicious, fresh, local milk arriving at their homes in time for breakfast!

We want to thank all of our loyal and valued customers and staff who continue to support Cotteswold Dairy and who continue to enjoy our products and services. Keep an eye out for our brand-new packaging, celebrating our 85th Anniversary.



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